is non-invasive pain relief treatment that's based on simple scientific concepts. It offers freedom from the physical, emotional, and financial impact of chronic pain. Nimmo technique goes beyond the treatment of symptoms to eliminate the cause of pain, promoting healing and preventing recurrence.

The Problem: A Cycle of Pain

  1. Trauma - Chronic pain can begin with a major injury or small harmful motions repeated over time.
  2. Protective Reaction - To prevent further injury, the body responds with a protective measure. The nervous system sends an impulse to the muscles around the area of injury, causing them to tighten. The muscles that tighten create a network of tension sites called trigger points.
  3. Repetition - These protective impulses are helpful while the injury heals, but the body learns through repetition. The nervous system does not sense healing and continues to send protective impulses, causing unnecessary muscle tension.
  4. Chronic Discomfort - This constant tightening creates a cycle of pain that will remain until the protective impulses are interrupted.

The Solution: Nimmo technique

  1. Isolate the Pain - Finding the source of chronic pain requires expert knowledge of the:
    • Muscular System
    • Nervous System
    • Skeletal System

    Nimmo tecnique requires that your chiropractor understand the complex relationships between these systems, and this enables them to target the source of pain.

  2. Apply Specific Pressure - Once they have been located, trigger points can be relieved through the application of precise amounts of pressure. Nimmo technique practitioners interrupt the body's protective impulses to allow muscles to relax, thus restoring normal joint function.
  3. Break the Cycle - One by one, the network of pain-causing trigger points is resolved and muscles are allowed to relax. This creates relief from pain and prevents future injury.
  4. Design a Program of Recovery - Nimmo technique sets the muscular, nervous, and skeletal systems in balance. Nimmo Technique go beyond pain relief by providing follow-up treatment and recommending lifestyle choices that prevent future injury.

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9am - 6pm By Appointment Only
9am - 6pm By Appointment Only
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9am - 6pm By Appointment Only
9am - 6pm By Appointment Only


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